- Glass vacuum lifter (battery) VBT4 PRO 400kg - 863MM-1781MM Longer extensions

of experience
- Model: 2551
VBT4 PRO 400kg -with longer extension arms!
The VBT4 PRO is a vacuum lifter with a maximum load capacity of 400 kg, ideal for use on carts and mini cranes with limited capacity.
Power supply
The glass lifting model VBT4 PRO is powered by a built-in battery, which can be recharged and removed quickly and easily. The lift is supplied complete with battery charger.
The vacuum lifter has a 0-90° tilting system (horizontal/vertical) and a 360° continuous rotation system, with the possibility of automatic locking every 90°.
The VBT4 PRO vacuum lift is a 4-pads model with a diameter of 310 mm and a maximum load capacity of 400 kg.
The suction pads can be repositioned in order to adapt the suction cup grip to the size of the load, also thanks to the four extensions provided.
In particular, in addition to three cross-shaped configurations, this model also allows the four suction pads to be positioned in line, facilitating the lifting of long and narrow glass panes (such as fanlight glass).
The VBT4 PRO series has a light structure of only 60 kg, which allows it to be used even on lifting systems with a low lifting capacity.
The vacuum lifter is equipped with a dual vacuum circuit so that it can be used on site in accordance with EN13155.
It is also equipped with a vacuum control unit that constantly monitors the vacuum level in the circuits, signalling any anomalies with audio-visual alarms.
VBT4 PRO, as a simplification of the VB4 PRO model, has no connection for guided tilting and no possibility of using the lowered hook. Should you wish to accessorize the vacuum lift with these two functions, please request the VBT4 PRO-CT model.
Dual vacuum circuit
- For vacuum lifters intended to be used in a building area, the regulations EN 13155 required a secondary positive holding device or there shall be two vacuum reserves each fitted with non return valves.
- Each vacuum reserve shall be connected to a separate set of vacuum pads.
- Righetti’s specific vacuum lifters for construction site use meet the requirement of EN 13155 and are complete of two separate vacuum circuits.
Lowered suspension
- Some operations require a lower height than the standard coupling point of a lifter and is necessary to reduce the distance of the hook.
- Lowered suspension, standard on all VB lifters, offers a possibility to reduce considerably the below the hook high.
- Lowered suspension is easy to use as it is fixed on lifter’s frame and there is no necessary additional arms or tools to fix it.
Removable batteries
- Righetti battery vacuum lifters are powered by built-in rechargeable batteries and on quite all models the batteries, if necessary, can be easily removed and quickly replaced.
- To have the additional battery pack can be really useful in case the operators forgot to charge the batteries or for some reason is not possible to put the lifter under charge.
- Battery powered vacuum lifters are suplied complete of 220 Volt battery charger.
- The level of the battery charge can be control on battery gauge that costantly indicates the current battery level.
Safety Features
- A series of components guarantee maximum grip safety.
- The pads grip and release is carried out by activating a double action command with safety against involuntary release of the load. The command can be done by manual slide valve on the lifter’s frame, pushbutton cable command or wireless radio remote control.
- The vacuum level reached in vacuum circuit/s can be constantly controlled through a vacuum gauge/s with coloured scale installed on the vacuum circuit.
- The intervention of the safety device is adjusted by a vacuum switch mounted on the vacuum tank.
- Spacious vacuum tank, as well as speeding up the grip, coupled with the non-return valve, guarantees that the load is not released immediately when a sudden interruption of the power supply is verified, guaranteeing the safety of the operator and of the handling material.The vacuum lifter is also provided with a autonomously powered visual and audio low vacuum warning with back-up battery which alerts the operator on possible dangerous situations.
- On battery powered model the vacuum control unit monitors the vacuum level, controls the correct operating of principal components and monitors the battery charge.
Vacuum Control Unit
- An on-board computer to manage the lifter as safely as possible verifies the operation of the lifter’s main components and carries out self-diagnostics if a breakdown occurs. The control unit comes complete with microprocessors to control the power circuits.
- It monitors the level of vacuum in the system, reporting any anomalies with a visual and acoustic warning.
- It manages and monitors the batteries. Besides showing how much battery is left, the on-board computer controls and protects the batteries, clearly warning the operator with sequential alarms when power is at minimum level.
- A built-in economizer considerably lengthens battery life.
Why choosing VBT4 vacuum lifter over VB4?
At first glance, the VBT4 and VB4 glass vacuum lifters might seem almost identical: four repositionable suction pads with a diameter of 310 mm, maximum load capacity of 400 kg, dual vacuum circuit, battery power supply, manual 90° tilting and manual 360° continuous rotation.
So which one to choose?
Despite the many similarities, there are a few differences that might make you choose the VBT4 model. In fact, VBT4 has been designed as a simplification of VB4, with the aim of providing an alternative solution from which to exclude certain functions that are not essential for all customers or applications.
Lightweight yet robust frame
The first big difference between the two vacuum lifters is the weight of the lifter itself. With a structure weighing only 48 kg, the VBT4 is the ideal solution for use on carts and small cranes with low lifting capacities.
Thanks to the lightened frame of the VBT4, it is possible to optimise the lifting capacity of the crane to the maximum, without excessive and unnecessary reductions in capacity caused by heavier lifters. Often, even those who have no load-bearing capacity problems on lifting equipment appreciate the lightness of the VBT4 suction cup for its ease of handling and manoeuvrability when moving.
Essentiality and efficiency
In order to make it so light and compact, the VBT4 glass vacuum lifter has been stripped of some of its more advanced features, such as the connection for controlled tilting, management via radio remote control and the possibility of using the lowered suspension. Some of these features are, however, available as optional extras.
Therefore VBT4 simplifies its operation without sacrificing its efficiency and performance:
- it maintains its powerful load suction,
- it guarantees a firm grip on the surface,
- it complies with the highest safety standards (double vacuum circuit, vacuum control unit, audio-visual alarms, double vacuum gauge) so that it can be used on construction site,
- it allows the glass to be tilted and rotated.
Εξτρα αξεσουάρ:
Συσκευή ελεγχόμενης κλίσης
Για τους ανυψωτήρες κενού γυαλιού σας, η συσκευή ελεγχόμενης κλίσης είναι το ιδανικό αξεσουάρ για την κλίση και την εγκατάσταση των υαλοπινάκων σας με ακρίβεια.
Δουλεύοντας δίπλα-δίπλα με τους πελάτες μας, έχουμε δει πόσο συχνά προκύπτει η ανάγκη να γέρνουν οι υαλοπίνακες και να προσαρμόζεται με ακρίβεια ο βαθμός κλίσης τους κατά την εγκατάσταση. Αυτός ο τύπος λειτουργίας μπορεί να γίνει είτε με μηχανοκίνητο σύστημα είτε με χειροκίνητο μηχανισμό ανατροπής εξοπλισμένο με κλειδαριά εμβόλου και λαβή ασφαλείας, εγκατεστημένο απευθείας στα περισσότερα γυάλινα ανυψωτικά κενού. Επί του παρόντος, ένας τέτοιος χειροκίνητος μηχανισμός επιτρέπει την άμεση κλίση από κάθετη προς οριζόντια του σώματος του μηχανήματος.
Ωστόσο, το τμήμα Έρευνας και Ανάπτυξης αποφάσισε να παράσχει μοντέλα εξοπλισμένα με σύστημα χειροκίνητης κλίσης με μια πρόσθετη συσκευή για τη διευκόλυνση των εργασιών ανατροπής γυαλιού. Η συσκευή ελεγχόμενης κλίσης είναι ιδιαίτερα χρήσιμη κατά την τοποθέτηση γυάλινων φύλλων καθώς παρέχει πλήρη έλεγχο της κίνησης και ακρίβεια κατά την κλίση του φύλλου. Η συσκευή ελεγχόμενης κλίσης επιτρέπει στον χειριστή να επιλέξει με ακρίβεια τον βαθμό κλίσης του φύλλου που απαιτείται για την τοποθέτησή του και την επακόλουθη επανατοποθέτησή του στην κατακόρυφη θέση με έναν απλό χειροκίνητο μηχανισμό στο ανυψωτικό κενού.
Η συσκευή ελεγχόμενης κλίσης μπορεί επίσης να αγοραστεί χωριστά και σε μεταγενέστερη ημερομηνία για να καλύψει πλήρως τις πιθανές ανάγκες του πελάτη. Αυτό το προαιρετικό είναι ιδιαίτερα κατάλληλο για όσους θέλουν μια λειτουργική λύση που παρέχει εξαιρετικό βαθμό ελέγχου από τον χειριστή, αλλά χωρίς να χρειάζεται απαραίτητα να καταφεύγουν σε μηχανοκίνητες κινήσεις που κάνουν την ανύψωση βαρύτερη.
Ο μηχανισμός ελεγχόμενης κλίσης αφαιρείται εύκολα για λειτουργίες όπου δεν είναι απαραίτητο και όπου πρέπει να διατηρείτε τη δομή διακριτική και βελτιωμένη.
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